Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Interveiw Time!

Hi everyone!  For this post, I quizzed my sisters with some not-so-normal interview questions (and I went ahead and answered them too).  You'll probably learn something new! :)  I have more interview questions written down; I'll probably post them in the near future.  Have fun reading! 

What's the strangest food you ever tasted?

Cassandra: Deep-fried squid!
Savana: Probably duck.
Chanel: Wet cat food
Jenna: Cow tongue - it was good!

If you could have a zoo animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

Cassandra: A panda.
Savana: I'd love to own a camel.
Chanel: A river otter!  They're so adorable and playful!
Jenna: Probably a river otter.

What's your dream vacation?

Cassandra: My dream vacation would be going to Nashville, Tennessee, and meeting the members of Pure NRG (my favorite music group).

Savana: I'd love to go a lot of places, but high on my list is going to Brazil and seeing the Amazon rainforest with some friends!

Chanel: I want to go to the beach with all my friends.

Jenna: Going on an airplane to India and Brazil to preach to people about Jesus.

What's you strangest or silliest fear?

Cassandra:  Doctor appointments!

Savana:  Calling people or businesses on the phone.  I tend to stumble over words and forget what I was trying to say!

Chanel:  I'm scared of elevators and of being run over by the trash truck.

Jenna:  Police officers, because they have guns!

List a career you would definitely not want to have.

Cassandra: I definitely would not like to be a surgeon.

Savana: I'm not planning on becoming a fashion model, counselor or kindergarten teacher.

Chanel:  I would not want to be a trash collector because they are very scary or a preschool teacher.

Jenna:  Police Officer!

Share a fun fact about yourself.

Cassandra:  I like cannoli - and Italian pastry.

Savana:  I like stargazing, and (sorry, this is two) I know Morse Code.

Chanel:  I was kissed by a monkey!  Ask me about it. :)

Jenna:  I have ridden a horse all by myself before.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'll have to ask Chanel about her being kissed by a monkey experience-- that sounds interesting! :D
