Friday, June 13, 2014

The Cutest Baby Contest!

       We were looking at some baby pictures recently and having slight disagreements about who was the cutest baby. :) So, we would like your opinion! 

      I am posting four baby pics of each of us (Cassandra, Savana, Chanel and Jenna).  I won't put the names on them until I announce the winner so you all will be as unbiased as possible. :) 


    Picture #1


Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #4
To vote, click "comment" at the bottom of this post and put down the number of the picture you choose!


  1. Ooh, which one??? Umm.... maybe number one??

  2. Ohh this is sooo hard! No wonder you were disagreeing ;)
    I can't really pick fairly because I know who each of you are, despite your efforts :). I guess I just know you too well :). But, if I had to I would say #1

  3. #3-she's thinking "Is that all the bigger piece of cake I get" Rod

  4. Hey it's me, Renita. I'm voting for #1. It was a HARD choice though!!!!

  5. I say #2, but you all are cuties!!! :)

